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Hair Track: Our revolutionary hair tracking app

We have launched a new mobile app, “Hair Track”. Designed to help individuals track their hair loss and growth. Download the app today.

Can you reverse a hair transplant

Cosmetic surgery is an ever-growing market that is very popular, with a variety of different treatments that can alter your appearance. Some people later in life decide that they no longer wish to look how they do and want to alter it, for example – getting breast implants removed.

Recently, we’ve been asked if a hair transplant can be reversed and today we’re going to look into the treatment, how it works, and let you know if you could reverse it.

The rise in medical tourism

Medical tourism is a growing industry with many people willing to travel around the world for a range of medical treatments, including hair transplants, in a bid to get the cheapest treatment. When it comes to medical tourism it can look very appealing due to the initial low price advertised. However, it is important to consider the other costs and risks that come into play.

At the Harley Street Hair Clinic, we only use highly trained doctors to carry out our hair transplant procedures, this ensures our clients are getting the best results possible. It is also important to remember that clinics in the UK are regulated by professional bodies such as the Care Quality Commission (CQC) or are registered officially as a professional clinic. In other countries, there is no professional body and it can be difficult to find out the information you need about your clinic and to find out if it is reputable.

Can a bad transplant be reversed?

Some people will visit a clinic in a different country and get a hair transplant at a much cheaper price, however, in some cases, the results are not as they expected. Once your results start to show you might realise that your hair transplant doesn’t look as you intended, and then you have to make the decision to either go back to the clinic and spend more money on travel and accommodation to try for a second transplant, or visit somewhere closer to home with a better reputation.

We have a lot of people visit the clinic for a consultation who ask if we’re able to reverse their hair transplant because they’re not happy with the results. Although we cannot reverse the transplant we can work with the patient to fix their results.

Fixing a bad hair transplant

We have a couple of different options to help fix a bad hair transplant, the first option is another hair transplant. If the patient has enough donor hair left we are able to get our experienced doctors to help plan a better hair transplant and work closely with the patent to help them achieve the results they were first looking for.

We also offer advanced tricho pigmentation, this treatment is a pigmentation delivery system that can be used to add density to areas of the scalp. If your hair transplant has left you looking thin in certain areas this treatment will help to make the hair appear fuller and thicker.

Older methods of hair transplantation such as FUT hair transplants can leave patients with large scarring at the back of the scalp. This is something we can help disguise with the use of both ATP and an FUE hair transplant.

If you would like any more information on our hair restoration treatments please contact us today for a no obligation consultation.
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