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Hair Track: Our revolutionary hair tracking app

We have launched a new mobile app, “Hair Track”. Designed to help individuals track their hair loss and growth. Download the app today.

January 20, 2016
3 min read

Can Protein Drinks affect hair loss?

Protein shakes are very popular; the shakes are most commonly drunk before, during or after working out. Our bodies need protein for growth and repair, protein helps the muscles to heal up after a workout, if your body does not get enough protein the muscles are unable to heal as…

January 20, 2016
2 min read

Can Steroids affect hair loss?

Corticosteroids, also known colloquially as steroids, occur naturally in the body. Man-made steroids act like the natural steroids our body produces; they reduce inflammation and are available in many different forms; tablets, injections, inhalers and lotions. When steroids are prescribed by a doctor, they are used to reduce inflammation and…

December 16, 2015
4 min read

Hair Loss London: Why Londoner’s Are Struggling With Their Locks

There are many different factors that play a part in hair loss, including genes and hormones. Factors such as the location in which you live can also affect hair loss. Living in London may contribute to accelerating a pre-disposition to hair loss, this could be due to environmental and lifestyle…

December 11, 2015
3 min read

How does a Paleo diet affect hair loss?

The food that we consume on a daily basis can have an effect on hair loss; this is because different foods have different vitamins in them. A change of diet can mean a change in vitamins, and some of these vitamins are essential for hair growth, and others are linked…

December 11, 2015
2 min read

Shampoo for thinning hair: Does it work?

There are a huge line of products that claim to aid thinning hair, so we have looked into thickening shampoos to see if they actually work, or if it is a waste of time and money. Do thickening shampoo’s work?If you suffer with thin hair you have probably tried a…

December 11, 2015
3 min read

What causes baldness?

Baldness is a common type of hair loss that develops in most men at some stage of their life. Typically the hair begins to thin or recede at the sides and on the top of the head. Generally a bald patch will develop in the middle of the scalp, and…

August 12, 2015
2 min read

Stress Can Cause Hair Loss

What causes hair loss? Hair loss has been a major concern for both genders in recent times. However, very few people actually know about the causes which include stress. Stress sometimes induces hair loss which is sometimes irreversible. We have devised various treatments which ensures that hair loss is the last thing…

August 12, 2015
2 min read

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

Hair loss Looking around you at the smiling, confident people apparently oblivious to their genetic privilege of owning a full head of hair, you may think you’re alone in contemplating hair loss as many times each day as you happen to glance at a mirror. But what you may not…

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