At the Harley Street Hair Clinic, we understand how detrimental hair loss and female hair thinning can be to a woman’s confidence. However before beginning the journey of regaining this self-confidence, one of the most important things you need to determine is what type of hair loss you are experiencing.
There are generally three types of women hair loss. These are summed up via the three following categories – androgenetic alopecia, Telogen effluvium, and non-pattern hair loss. Androgenetic alopecia is the most common cause of hair loss in women, and the pattern of hair loss in this case, is less predictable in women than it is men. Telogen effluvium can arise from many causes, including medication use, dietary tendencies, and stress. Then there are all of the other rarer types of hair loss, which fall into the ‘non pattern hair loss category’.
Causes of Hair Loss in Women
In some cases, there may be an underlying cause of hair loss that is untreated. In women, there are a few health problems that can be the root cause of hair loss.
Birth Control
Female Pattern Baldness
Menopause Hair Loss
The cause of this is the reduced oestrogen levels. As oestrogen keeps your hair in the growing phase, the reduced levels cause the hair’s growth cycle to shorten and hair sheds before it reaches the length it used to be able to reach.
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
As PCOS is a hormonal disorder – specifically affecting your endocrine levels – it causes hormonal imbalances. Many women who suffer from PCOS have increased levels of androgens; testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT). It is this increased amount of DHT that causes hair loss in women who have PCOS.
When found in high amounts, androgens – specifically DHT – latch onto hair follicles and start to affect the hair, eventually causing hair loss. DHT then clogs the hair follicle, causing it to be unable to create new hair. This is essentially another form of androgenetic alopecia.
During pregnancy, there is an increased level of the hormone Oestrogen. Oestrogen causes your hair to remain in the growing stage of the hair growth cycle, as well as stimulating hair to grow if it’s not already. While you are pregnant, you should expect to have a full, luscious head of hair.
Once you have given birth, however, things are different. As your hormones return to their normal levels, this can cause a massive shock to the body, and your hair
This means that all the oestrogen that kept your hair from falling out is now gone, so the hair starts to shed. This can be distressing, because as much as 60% of the hair can enter the resting stage at once, causing a lot of hair to suddenly fall out.
However, the hair will start to grow again. Hair loss caused by pregnancy is essentially a specialised form of Telogen Effluvium.
Other Causes Of Hair Loss
In order to discover more about the type of hair loss you may be experiencing and the solutions at your disposal, you should book a consultation and visit us at the clinic for a detailed assessment and information on hair loss treatments for women.
Deciding to get a hair transplant is a huge decision with many different aspects to consider from picking the right transplant clinic to deciding when the best time to get a transplant is. A variety of different things come into play when deciding when is the right time for you to consider female hair loss treatments and today we’re going to try and make that a little easier for you.
At the Harley Street Hair Clinic, we’re experts in the innovative FUE hair transplant procedure. Every procedure and client is different but when the best time to get a transplant is similar for most. From the best age to get a transplant to the best time of the year to get a transplant, we’ve got all the information you need.
If you would like any more information about hair loss please feel free to contact us and book a free no-obligation consultation.