Losing hair is a part of everyday life, you’ll notice that your hair will shed on a daily basis. You’ll notice that your hair is clogging up the shower, your hairbrush and you’ll probably have to hoover every other day – but this is nothing to worry about.
It is completely normal for us to lose hair on a daily basis, on average we lose around 80 strands of hair each day. If you start to notice that your hair is shedding significantly more than normal, or you feel as if your hair isn’t growing back – that might be when it’s time to looking into hair loss. The first thing to remember is, not all types of hair loss are permanent and you might have nothing to worry about.
When it comes to hair loss, there are many different causes and factors that could cause it. The first thing to do when you notice excessive hair loss is to find out the cause, you could visit a hair loss specialist such as our team at the Harley Street Hair Clinic, or your GP. Finding out the cause of your hair loss makes finding the hair loss treatment a lot easier.
Today we’re taking a look at female hair loss and telling you five reasons that you might be experiencing it.
#1 Hormonal imbalance
As a female you will notice a lot of different changes to your body throughout the month – some of these changes can be caused by hormonal imbalances. Multiple health and beauty issues such as adult acne, weight gain and even hair loss can occur due to a hormonal imbalance in the body. If your hormones are imbalanced it can affect the whole body.
Our hormones play a huge role in regulating the hair growth cycle and ensuring it remains constantly stable. Simply, Oestrogen, which is a female hormone is ‘hair friendly’ and helps to keep hair in the growth phase for the correct length of time. Androgens, on the other hand, are typically male hormones (but can be found in females) these are not ‘hair friendly’ and can work to shorten the hair growth cycle. If the hair growth cycle is shorted, it can result in the body losing hair faster than it can grow.
An excess of androgens in the body, which can occur for those with conditions such as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) can cause hair loss.
#2 Pregnancy
During pregnancy, you’ll notice a number of different changes to your body, and even some changes in your hair. Similar to above, throughout pregnancy, your hormones will change which can affect the body in different ways. Oestrogen is one hormone that causes hair to remain in the growth stage, during pregnancy your hair growth will increase, making the hair fuller and thicker.
Once you have given birth your hormones will begin to normalise, and this means the amount of oestrogen will normalise and can cause shock to the body. This can cause 60% of the hair to enter the resting stage at once, causing a lot of hair to suddenly shed. After time, your hormones will return to normal and so will your hair, meaning hair loss after pregnancy is nothing to worry about.
#3 Stress
Stress is one of the most common causes of hair loss. When your body is under a lot of stress, physical or mental, more androgens are produced by the body. Androgens can attack the hair growth cycle and can shorten it, which can in turn, cause hair loss.
The one important thing to remember about stress related hair loss is that it is not permanent. Once the stress stops your body will begin to normalise, meaning after a couple of months your hair growth should return to normal.
#4 Age/Menopause
As a female when you age you’ll go through the menopause which causes a lot of different changes in your body and can also affect your hair. Hair loss can become more prevalent leading up to and after the menopause. It is also important to remember as we age, so does our hair and as we get older the hair gets naturally thinner and it is important to care for your hair as best as possible.
#5 Iron deficiency/anemia
Iron is essential for the production of hair cell protein and without Iron your hair can suffer. It is important to eat a balanced diet and ensure you’re getting the right amount of vitamins and nutrients to care for your body and hair.
One of the most common causes of hair loss is an iron deficiency, something those with anemia will suffer from. Taking iron supplements can easily help those with a deficiency and help with hair loss.
If you are experiencing hair loss and are concerned about it please contact us today for a no obligation consultation. One of our hair loss specialists will be able to work with you on finding out the cause of your hair loss as well as looking at potential hair loss treatments that could work for you.
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