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Hard water and hair loss

If you have experienced hair loss, you will likely have run through several possible causes in your head. Is it just genetics, or is something else at play? One potential cause that may have crossed your mind is hard water, as living in an area with hard water can make your hair feel dryer, duller, and more dehydrated.

The question is, does hard water cause hair loss, or does it only affect the softness (or lack of) of your strands? Keep reading to learn more!

What is Hard Water?

Hard water and hair loss

First, let’s understand exactly what hard water is and why it matters. Hard water has a higher mineral content than average, containing minerals like calcium chloride, calcium carbonate, magnesium sulphate, and magnesium chloride. [1] This happens due to where the water travels, as these minerals are picked up from soil and rocks.

There is a simple scale to define whether water is soft or hard, which tells you how many milligrams of calcium carbonate there is per litre.

Soft Water: Under 60 ppm.

Moderately Hard Water: Between 60-120 ppm.

Hard Water: Over 120 ppm.

Hard water and hair loss

Is Hard Water Bad for Your Hair?

Unfortunately, yes – hair that is exposed to hard water often sustains more damage compared to hair exposed to soft water. There are several reasons it’s not great for your hair: the minerals can cause a build-up on your strands, cause discolouration on treated hair, weaken the hair, and even lead to scalp problems over time.

Does Hard Water Cause Hair Loss?

This is where it gets a little complicated. The calcium and magnesium present in hard water can certainly cause damage, but it isn’t possible for hard water to directly cause long-term hair loss.

It can, however, mean your hair is more prone to breakage. If you consistently use hard water to wash your hair, you may find you have more split ends and breaking, which can seem very similar to hair loss at the roots.

There’s also the risk of a build-up of the minerals on the scalp, which can cause irritation and even damage the hair follicles. In this case, you may need to pursue a hair loss treatment.

So, to answer the question, “Does hard water cause hair loss?” – no, not directly, but it can cause scalp issues and breakage.

How to Tell if You Have Hard Water

Are you unsure whether you have hard water in your home? There are several ways to tell:

Look for the Common Signs

There are several signs that a home has hard water running through its pipes. Some of these clear indicators include a white residue on your sink and shower head, stiff-feeling clothes after coming out of the washer, and dry hair and skin.

Look Up Water in Your Local Area

You can easily see the water hardness in your area using Google. There are websites that allow you to type in your postcode, and it will show you exactly how hard your water is – it’s that simple.

Perform a Strip Test

If you want to know exactly how hard your water is, the best way to do so is by performing a strip test on the water that comes out of your tap. Simply buy some of the strips and then follow the instructions, which usually means dipping the strip into your tap water for at least five seconds. After about a minute, you can read the results.

How to Nourish Your Strands When You Have Hard Water

Have you realised you have hard water? Don’t worry – that doesn’t mean you have to live with unhealthy hair and skin forever, as there are ways to nourish your hair strands even when you have hard water.

Install a Shower Head Water Filter

One of the best ways to keep your hair healthy and avoid hair breakage when you have hard water is to install a water filter that filters out all the minerals. You can do this by replacing your shower head that filters our all the hard water. There are many different shower head options out there – some are better than others, so it helps to do your research.

Install a Water Softener

To go a step further, install a water softener in your household. This treatment system won’t just soften the water that comes out of a single shower head or tap – instead, it will soften the water that runs through your entire house, so you never have to worry about hard water again. It’s more expensive than other options on this list, but the long term effects make it more than worth it for many.

Use Apple Cider Vinegar

One of the easiest ways to remove the minerals from your hair and scalp is to use a vinegar rinse. Every time you wash your hair, rinse it with apple cider vinegar and watch your strands return to their full strength.

Lots of Conditioner

Water damaged hair leads to dryness. To combat this, use lots of conditioner when washing your hair. A high-quality conditioner is important, and you can also use a leave in conditioner to keep your hair nice and soft for longer.

Use a Clarifying Shampoo

Another way to remove the build-up of the minerals and restore hair damaged by hard water is to use a clarifying shampoo. You don’t need to do this daily – using a clarifying shampoo just once a week can be enough to help your hair regain its strength and shine.

Use Bicarbonate Salts

Bicarbonate salts can help remove the mineral build-up from the hair. Be aware, though, that this may not help your pipes, as it could lead to a build up of limescale.

Other Problems Hard Water Poses

It is worth mentioning that hard water is not only bad for the hair; there are other problems it poses, including:

Laundry Issues: With hard water, you may find your clothes come out feeling stiff. It can also impact the colour.

Less Effective Cleaning: Hard water can make it harder to keep things clean. For example, you might find your shower door ends up with a build-up of scum over time, no matter how much you clean it.

Dry Skin: It’s not just your hair you need to worry about – using hard water on your skin can also cause problems such as dryness and irritation.

Poor Water Taste: The minerals in hard water can give your home’s tap water an unpleasant taste. Although, this is subjective.

Plumbing Problems: Hard water can be bad for your pipes due to a scale build-up. Over time, this may lead to worsening plumbing problems like corrosion.

Are there Any Benefits to Hard Water?

Hard water isn’t all bad (just mostly!). The main benefit of hard water comes from drinking it, as you gain more minerals when you do so. All of the calcium and magnesium in hard water can help with bone health, heart function, blood sugar regulation, and digestion.

Other More Likely Causes of Hair Loss

The answer to, “Does hard water cause hair loss?” is that it can in some circumstances, but only due to breakage – not permanent hair loss.

If you are experiencing hair loss from the scalp, chances are something else is responsible. To help you understand what may be behind your hair loss, here are more likely causes:

  • Androgenetic Alopecia (Male or Female Pattern Baldness)
  • Hormonal Changes
  • Medications
  • Stress
  • Nutritional Deficiencies
  • Alopecia Areata
  • Skin Conditions

What to Do if You’re Experiencing Hair Loss

If you are experiencing hair loss, here are some steps you should take to minimise further loss and, hopefully, grow the hair back.

Find Out the Cause: Before anything else, find out what is causing your hair loss. If you have some breakage because of hard water, then focus on installing a water softener to prevent further damage. Other causes will have other solutions.

Look Into Hair Loss Medications: There are several good hair loss medications available. Minoxidil is a topical treatment available over the counter for men and women, whereas finasteride and dutasteride are hair loss medications specifically for men (assigned at birth). It helps to use a hair track app to monitor growth to see if the medication works for you.

Look Into Clinic Treatments: There are some effective clinical treatments that can boost hair growth, including PRP (platelet rich plasma) injections, microneedling, and low-level laser therapy.

Get a Hair Transplant: Hair transplants are becoming increasingly popular, as they are a minimally invasive procedure that allows you to grow your own head of hair once more. This permanent procedure uses your own hair follicles to create a natural result.

Does Hard Water Cause Hair Loss: In Summary

Hard water likely won’t cause permanent hair loss, but it may lead to dry, brittle hair that could even break off. That’s why it is so important to test your water to see if it’s hard and, if it is, use methods to protect your hair. Just remember that having hard water in your pipes does not mean you can’t enjoy soft, healthy hair!

Are you experiencing significant hair loss, hair thinning, or a receding hairline? A hair transplant may be the best solution for you. Head to our patients gallery to get an idea of what our top surgeons can achieve!


  1. https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/health-you-asked/you-asked-hard-water-dangerous-drink#:~:text=Hard%20water%20is%20water%20containing,metal%20pipes%20through%20galvanic%20corrosion.
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