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Hair Track: Our revolutionary hair tracking app

We have launched a new mobile app, “Hair Track”. Designed to help individuals track their hair loss and growth. Download the app today.


There are many different factors that play a part in hair loss, including genes and hormones. Factors such as the location in which you live can also affect hair loss.

Living in London may contribute to accelerating a pre-disposition to hair loss, this could be due to environmental and lifestyle factors. We are conducting further research into the link between urban living and hair loss London. This is because many patients have commented that since moving to London for example they have experienced hair loss with many commenting on the water quality. The data at present is insufficient to make any meaningful conclusions but the anecdotal evidence suggests that at least this should be explored further.

As a leading provider of hair transplants London, we are here to help. Get in touch if you are local to the area and want an expert opinion on your hair loss and what can be done about it.

Does Air Pollution Cause Hair Loss?

When people talk about pollution, they are not only referring to the chemicals emitted from vehicles and industrial units. They can also be talking about the smoke from cigarettes or fire. Pollution-induced hair loss exists among people living in urban conditions, such as London.

It is thought that the toxins and carcinogens found in polluted air can stop hair growth. The toxins and carcinogens block mechanisms that produce the protein that the hair is made from. It is thought that any form of pollution that is able to make its way into the bloodstream or into the skin, and then reach the hair follicle, is able to cause stress to the hair follicles and reduce the capacity of the hair to make a fibre.

One study, published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology conducted an experiment where hair follicles from balding men were removed. The samples were studied to find disruptions in the process of hair growth. The disruption was caused by oxidative stress, which is made worse by the effects of pollution and smoking

London is one of the most polluted cities in Europe, if you live in London and are experiencing hair loss this could be cause by the pollution level in your area. This does support the annecdotatal reports of hair loss London.

The Stress Of Living In London

Stress is a large factor in hair loss, there are different types of hair loss that are all caused from stress. The most common type of stress-related hair loss is telogen effluvium. In this type of hair loss the hair stops growing and lies dormant, and then falls out 2 or 3 months later.  The hair usually grows back within 6 to 9 months.

In Great Britain the total number of cases of work related stress, depression or anxiety hit a high of 44,000 cases in 2015, a prevalence rate of 1380 per 100,000 workers. People living in London are the most stressed people in England, and those living in the inner city suffer with stress more so than suburbanites. Living in London can quite stressful for a number of different reasons.

Stress is becoming the main cause of illness at work, with at least 16.7 per cent of workers complaining that their job is extremely stressful. With stress being one of the main causes of sick leave it is no surprise that hair loss in the capital is also raising.

Work Life Causing Hair Loss In London

Stress is becoming the main cause of illness at work, with at least 16.7 per cent of workers complaining that their job is extremely stressful. With stress being one of the main causes of sick leave it is no surprise that hair loss in the capital is also raising.

Four out of five workers in the city say they are delayed by a hold up on their daily journey at least once a month. Travel delays cause Londoners a great deal of stress before they even get to work.

If you are suffering from stress related hair loss and would like some advice on the condition or treatment feel free to contact us for some help and advice.

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