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Hair Track: Our revolutionary hair tracking app

We have launched a new mobile app, “Hair Track”. Designed to help individuals track their hair loss and growth. Download the app today.

Female hair loss explained

When you first notice that you’re losing your hair it can be quite scary, people tend to panic and worry that they’ll be bald this time next month. That isn’t always the case. There are many different types of hair loss, some, which can only affect females, and some that are not permanent.

Today, we’re going to look into female hair loss, the different types of hair loss, as well as if they’re permanent and different hair loss treatments. In most cases, there is an underlying cause of hair loss that has been left untreated and in some cases, there are health problems that could be the root of your hair loss.


Anaemia is a blood disordered that is typically caused by a lack of iron in your diet, or if your cells are not absorbing the iron. Iron is a very important nutrient for the health of your hair. If you notice that your hair is thinning it could be an idea to check with your GP to see if you could have some degree of anaemia.

Iron levels can easily be corrected by a change in your diet or iron supplements, once you manage to get your iron levels right you should begin to see your hair getting back to normal.


Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, commonly known as PCOS is a hormone disorder, which affects your endocrine levels, which causes hormone imbalances. PCOS can cause an increased level of the androgens: testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT). The increased amount of DHT is what can cause hair loss in some women.

If these androgens are found in high amounts they can latch onto the hair follicles and start to affect the hair, which in turn can eventually cause hair loss. DHT can clog the hair follicles, which means you can no longer create new hairs, this is essentially a form of androgenetic alopecia.


During pregnancy you put your body through a great deal of stress, hormone levels are completely different to normal which will cause a lot of changes in the body and to your hair.

One of the main hormone changes during pregnancy is an increase in the level of Oestrogen your body produces, this causes your hair to remain in the growing stage of the hair growth cycle, it also stimulates hair growth. Due to this, during pregnancy, you can expect to have a wonderfully full head of hair.

However, once you give birth things can be quite different. Once your hormones return to normal levels they can cause quite a shock to the body, and to the hair. The oestrogen that kept your hair from falling out will reduce, causing the hair to shed, causing a lot of hair to suddenly fall out. The hair will start to grow again, and return to your normal pre-pregnancy growth cycle.

Other hair loss causes

There are many other types of hair loss and in some cases, your hair loss could be permanent. It is important to get a professional to assess your hair loss, this will able you to discover more about the type of hair loss you may be experiencing and the solutions available to you.

If you would like more information on hair loss or about our hair loss treatments please feel free to book a no obligation consultation with us today.

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