Having a baby is one of the biggest steps in life and it’s extremely exciting but it can also be a nerve-wracking and stressful time. During pregnancy, you’ll notice several different changes to the body one thing that you’ll notice that can change a lot is your hair. Today we’re going through what you can expect to happen to your hair during pregnancy and how to combat any hair loss.
How can hair change through pregnancy
During pregnancy your hormones will change, oestrogen is produced in large amounts to help suppress the immune system to help the growth and development of the baby. Oestrogen can also affect blood circulation, which is why during pregnancy you’ll notice changes to the skin and hair. The increase in oestrogen causes the hair to grow at a faster rate and is often thicker and appears healthier.
Around three to six months post-partum some will experience sudden shedding of the hair. It is normal for everyone to shed hair daily, however, after birth, you may notice the hair coming out in clumps rather than strands. This can be a shock in comparison to the thick and full hair experienced throughout pregnancy.
As mentioned above, during pregnancy your hormones will be working overtime and once you give birth the levels begin to normalise. This will cause the extra oestrogen levels to normalise which causes more hair to enter the resting phase and you’ll start to notice hair thinning.
Will post-partum hair loss stop?
After time, your body will return to normal and your hormone levels will normalise. Once this happens, hair loss will begin to slow and eventually stop. Your hair growth cycle will resume to normal (as it was pre-pregnancy) and you can expect to see your hair return to as it was pre-pregnancy.
Can I stop or prevent post-partum hair loss?
Due to post-partum hair loss being a normal result of a change in hormones – it is nothing that you can simply stop from happening. However, there are a few steps you can take to minimize the effects and help to promote hair growth.
Maintaining a healthy diet and ensuring you get the right vitamins and minerals are is very important. A healthy diet can help overall postpartum recovery and for some, it can drop hair loss from progressing.
A balanced diet should include a balance of vitamins and nutrients found in vegetables, whole grains and fruits. Taking nutritional supplements can also help keep hair healthy and promote growth. Important vitamins to take are vitamin B, Iron, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Zinc.
It’s also important to reduce stress levels – this can help to regulate hormone imbalances. If you’re finding life with a new baby a little overwhelming remember how important reducing stress is to your overall health – ask a friend, family or loved one for a little bit of help.
If you are concerned about your hair loss and would like more information please contact us today to talk with one of our hair loss specialists. We’ll be able to book you in for a no-obligation consultation.