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Hair Track: Our revolutionary hair tracking app

We have launched a new mobile app, “Hair Track”. Designed to help individuals track their hair loss and growth. Download the app today.

Scarring: What to expect after your hair transplant

When it comes to getting any form of medical procedure you’ll have a lot of different questions and concerns. It’s completely normal to want to know everything about the procedure, from how it works, if it hurts and what the results will be like. Today we’re focusing on scarring and what you can expect to see after your hair transplant procedure.

How does an FUE hair transplant work?

At the Harley Street Hair Clinic, we only offer the revolutionary FUE hair transplant procedure which works by removing hair follicles from one area of the scalp (typically at the back and side of the scalp) with the use of a specialised extraction tool, less than 1mm in diameter. The hair follicles are then prepared under a microscope ready for the transplant.

The hair follicles are then transplanted to the recipient area with the use of a specialist micro surgical needle. The hair follicles are inserted at an angle and density to mimic your natural hair growth to ensure results look as natural as possible. The procedure is minimally invasive and you will remain fully conscious the whole time as only local aesthetic is required.

Will a hair transplant cause scarring?

We only use the FUE hair transplant method as the treatment is minimally invasive and it leaves clients with minimal scarring. As we individually remove hair follicles with our specialised extraction tool scaring as almost invisible to the naked eye.

However, older methods of hair transplantation such as FUT hair transplants can leave clients with scarring at the back of the scalp. The patient is anesthetised and a strip of tissue is removed from the back of the scalp, the strip is then prepared and cut into smaller individual follicles ready to be transplanted.

Due to a strip of tissue being removed from the back of the scalp, FUT hair transplants can cause scarring at the back of the scalp due to the large area of tissue being removed for the transplant.

Can you fix hair transplant scarring?

At the Harley Street Hair Clinic, we can use our revolutionary FUE hair transplant procedure to work to disguise hair transplant scaring left behind from methods such as FUT. Scarring at the back of the scalp from a hair transplant can be quite obvious as hair will not be able to grow and cover the scar.

We can use our FUE hair transplant procedure to transplant hair from other areas of the scalp and place them into the scar tissue, this can in some cases cause hair to continue growing over the scar and disguise it.

Scar tissue is different to the normal skin on our scalp and sometimes the growth rate and survival rate of the hair grafts in scar tissue can differ. We will place some test hairs first to ensure it is worthy of removing more hair follicles. A successful transplant can result in your scar becoming less noticeable and blending in with your hair more.

If you would like any information on our hair scarring treatment please contact us today for a no obligation consultation.

(Image source)

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