Are you worried you’re going to lose your hair and are desperate to find out how do you know if you will go bald? To help you out, we’re looking at some of the confirmed signs that will lead to you losing your hair and going bald. Read on to find out what they are.
First of all, identify your cause of hair loss
There is no point in worrying about hair loss if you don’t know the cause of it. There are a number of different factors and causes of hair loss. Some types of hair loss, such as male pattern baldness are permanent and at current, do not have a cure. However, a number of other reasons such as stress, genes, illness and even a dietary change can cause hair loss that can over time with the right actions stop.
We think it’s important that you visit a hair loss specialist or your GP to discuss your hair loss, once you’ve found the root of the problem you can then decide if you need to look into hair restoration treatments, or if something as simple as a lifestyle change could stop your hair loss.
Know the problem areas of male pattern baldness
As mentioned above, male pattern baldness is a type of hair loss that is permanent and over time it can lead to baldness for some. It’s important to know the problem areas of male pattern baldness, this way you can monitor how severe your hair loss is. One of the best ways to tell if you are going to go bald is to look around at your family, it could be heredity.
Almost everyone with male pattern baldness will start to lose their hair in the same manner. For most, the hairline will start to form into an ‘M’ shape as the hair recedes from the forehead. This happens as those hairs are the most sensitive to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is the primary chemical behind male pattern baldness.
Assessing how do you know if you will go bald could be something you’ve put off, but over time, the middle of the ‘M’ shape can recede even further, leaving you with more of a horseshoe shape towards the back of the scalp. If you do nothing about your hair loss, over time the hair can continue to recede until the scalp is partially or completely bald.
If you notice hair loss following one of the above patterns, there is a good chance you have male pattern baldness which over time could leave you completely bald.
A change in your partings
During the early stages of pattern baldness, depending on how your hair is styled it can be difficult to see the hair loss patterns mentioned above. Checking your partings is a good way to know if you will go bald or experience noticeable hair loss. If your parting is getting wider or if you’ve had to change how you part your hair recently it could be a sign that the hair is becoming thinner on the top of the scalp. This could be another early sign of male pattern baldness.
Know the difference between patches and thinning
If you have hair loss in patches you might not have male pattern baldness, male pattern baldness tends to happen gradually with the hair thinning over time. If you’ve noticed you have hair loss in patches this could be due to another reason such as alopecia. There is a difference with ‘how do you know if you will go bald’ or ‘how do I know if I’m suffering from alopecia or an illness that’s causing hair loss?’
What to do once you know if you will go bald?
As soon as you notice your hair is thinning we recommend you keep a photo diary, take a photo of your hair every week or even every month. This way, you can go back through and compare the images to see how your hair loss has progressed.
If you think your hair loss is getting quite severe, we recommend visiting our clinic for a consultation with one of our hair loss specialists. We can discuss potential treatments that will work to restore your hair loss and bring back the appearance of a fuller head of hair. Please contact us today for your no-obligation consultation.
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