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Female hair loss: When to worry

In some cases losing your hair is a natural part of life and daily hair loss isn’t always something you have to worry about. Females can lose their hair for a number of different reasons, some can be temporary and some types of hair loss can be permanent.

Today we’re going to explore female hair loss and discuss when you should start to worry.

Is hair loss natural?

Less than half of women go through life without a full head of hair, with that being said losing your hair isn’t always something you have to worry about.

It is completely normal to lose up to 100 hairs per day. Your hair grows from the base of the hair follicle and it grows at around 1cm per month for about three years, then the hair just sits there until it is pushed out by new hair. When you notice your hair falling out it could quite simply be because new hair is growing in its place, and this isn’t something you should worry about.

However, if you feel as if you are loosing more hair than normal, this can be more serious. In most cases hair loss is temporary and it will grow back but it is important to get to the root of your hair loss. This will help you determine if your hair loss is permanent if you need to worry and help you look into treatment.

Is my hair loss permanent?

As mentioned above, not all hair loss is permanent. In most cases, women will lose their hair at some point in their lives for a number of different reasons, and in most cases, the hair will begin to return to its normal growth pattern. It is important to work out why you’re losing your hair though.

Illness or emotion stress

Illness and stress can have a huge impact on your body, and one side effect you might notice is shedding. Your hair follicles stop their growth phase and begin to rest if your body has had some kind of mental or physical trauma, stress being the most common.

Once the follicles stop the growth phase the hair will begin to shed after a few months. However, if the stress was to stop, the hair follicles will resume their natural growth phase and your hair will begin to grow as normal.

Hormone changes

If your hormones change you might notice some changes to your hair also. During pregnancy hair often gets thicker due to the change in your hormones. However, once you have given birth this can change again and you can start to notice excessive hair loss. This is a type of hair loss that over time can return to normal, once your hormones do.

Rapid weight loss

Reducing your calorie intake very quickly and losing weight at a fast pace can result in your hair falling out. This could be due to the changing your diet. A loss in certain vitamins and minerals can play havoc on your hair. It is important to eat a balanced diet to help promote hair growth and to keep your existing hair healthy.

Should I worry about my hair loss?

If you have been noticing rapid hair loss which you believe is more than the normal amount it is a good idea to visit your local GP. You can work together to find the root of the problem, if your hair loss is due to something such as stress it is nothing to worry about. Your hair will resume its natural growth process and your hair will grow back.

However, there are types of hair loss that are more serious that might not grow back, such as androgenetic alopecia. It is important to find the cause of your hair loss so you can then decide if you need to look into treatment, or if your hair will begin to grow back naturally.

Can my hair loss be fixed?

If you discover the reason for your hair loss and you believe it is unlikely that it will resume its natural growth process there are treatments available that can help.

At the Harley Street Hair Clinic, we are experts in hair restoration treatments and we might be able to help you. If you would like some more information please contact us for a no obligation consultation where we will be able to work on a tailor made treatment for you.

(Image source)

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