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Hair Track: Our revolutionary hair tracking app

We have launched a new mobile app, “Hair Track”. Designed to help individuals track their hair loss and growth. Download the app today.

Important FUE hair transplant questions answered

Sometimes it can be quite hard to find out all of the information you need when you’re researching hair transplantation, or any medical procedure for that matter. The internet is a great place to start your research and find out a lot of information, however, it is saturated with a lot of false information, which, can make things quite confusing.

Today, we’re going to answer some of the important FUE hair transplant questions we get asked to give you the correct answers and put your mind at ease.

Is an FUE hair transplant the best type of hair transplant?

When it comes to looking into hair restoration, it will more than likely come down to personal preference to decide what treatment works for you. There are two different types of hair transplants, follicular unit transplantation – FUT and follicular unit extraction – FUE. FUE, which we offer at the Harley Street Hair Clinic, has become the preferred choice of treatment by patients across the globe due to other methods such as FUT becoming out-dated and not producing results that are as good.

FUE transplants take much less time to heal and the results are much more natural looking due to individual follicles being removed. This works to create a more natural and seamless result and also leaves only small puncture wounds – leaving patients with almost no post-surgical pain.

Are results permanent?

A hair transplant is the most permanent form of hair restoration currently available. An FUE hair transplant works by removing individual hair follicles from areas of the scalp with fuller hair, these are usually found at the back and side of the scalp. These hair follicles are then transplanted to the area of the scalp where the hair is thinning.

The hair follicles that have been transplanted will continue to grow as they would have before the transplant, this means they’ll continue to have the same growth cycle that would have been pre-transplant.

I am bald, can I get a hair transplant?

No, air transplantation is revolutionary, however, it can only work with the hair you already have. The more donor hair we have to work with the better result we can produce. If you have little to no hair you will not be a suitable candidate for a hair transplant. However, there are other methods of hair restoration such as advanced tricho pigmentation that would help you.

Is the recovery process long?

As mentioned above, the recovery process for an FUE hair transplant is pretty pain free and fast due to how minimally invasive the technique used is. The aftercare is not complex and at the Harley Street Hair Clinic, we give you everything you will need before you leave the clinic and advise that you take between 7 and 14 days off of work, this will depend on the size of your procedure and individual healing characteristics.

Your doctor will advise you of a personal aftercare program, which will involve taking a four-day course of antibiotics to ensure against infection and any other medication required – including a special shampoo will be prepared and given to you at the clinic.

A few other important points to make a note of are, we advise that you do not go to the gm for at least 7 days post-transplant, do not go swimming for 14 days as well as keeping out of direct sunlight. It is also advised not to consume alcohol 7 days post-transplant. Going on holiday is allowed, in fact, we advise it. A holiday will allow you a good amount of time to rest and recover – just remember to stay out of the sun. You will see results after around 6-12 months.

If you would like more information on our hair transplants, please contact us today for a no obligation consultation.

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