Jimmy Carr, the well-known comedian best known for his work on 8 out of 10 cats, took the big step during the COVID pandemic to get a hair transplant. With Carr being such a high-profile celeb, we can see the results of the Jimmy Carr hair transplant in real time. What’s hard to deny is how natural and effective the results are.
Jimmy Carr: A Brief Overview of His Career
Jimmy Carr is one of the UK’s most beloved comedians thanks to his dead-pan delivery of one-line jokes. He began his career back in 1997 and has since hosted Distraction, Your Face or Mine?, 8 Out of 10 Cats, 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown, and more. He has also had a rich career in stand-up comedy, with one of his most recent tours being “Laughs Funny”, which involves him delivering laughs all around the world, from Europe to the United States. His dark humour might get him into a bit of trouble occasionally, but his shows always sell out, and his TV appearances always bring high ratings.
Has Jimmy Carr had a Hair Transplant?
Yes – Jimmy Carr had a hair transplant during the COVID lockdown in 2020. He has been entirely open about his surgery, stating on Peter Crouch’s show that the reason for the surgery was due to being sick of his receding hairline,
“So what happened was my hair was socially distancing from my forehead, and I’d had enough of it.”
Naturally, Carr weaved a joke into his reason, even saying that he thought he previously looked like a snooker-playing vampire. Still – his choice echoes many other men’s insecurities. A receding hairline is very common in men and usually involves thinning or balding hair at the temples. While certain hairstyles can help hide a receding hairline, a hair transplant actually helps that area regrow hair.
Jimmy Carr’s Openness: A Breath of Fresh Air
While many celebrities try to hide the fact they’ve had cosmetic surgery, Jimmy Carr has been completely open about his hair transplant. It’s a breath of fresh air, as it shows people that everyone – including celebs – can experience hair loss. His decision might inspire others to finally go for the hair transplant they’ve been considering!
How Common is Male Hair Loss?
Jimmy Carr certainly isn’t the only person (or comedian) to have experienced male hair loss. In fact, when you look at Jimmy Carr’s hair before the surgery, you will see a style you’ve seen on many men worldwide – one with an M or widow’s peak. It’s extremely common in ageing men, with half of every man over the age of forty experiencing male pattern baldness. While some people are fine to accept it, others prefer to keep their locks by getting a hair transplant.
Of course, being Jimmy Carr – a TV personality – his looks were important to him. Even if you aren’t on TV every night, a hair transplant can make you feel more confident, which can improve other areas of your life.
What Kind of Hair Transplant Did Jimmy Carr Get?
Jimmy Carr’s new hair looks so natural because he opted for the FUE hair transplant. FUE stands for Follicular Unit Extraction and is a long procedure that involves shaving a section of hair from the back of the head before using micropunches to extract hair follicles in grafts. Next, the surgeon places these follicles in the thinning/bald area. The result is a seamless surgical process that produces minimal scarring.
After the initial surgery, hair starts to grow back, with results starting to show after around three months, with full growth coming through about twelve months after treatment. That’s why Jimmy Carr was able to debut his new hair before anyone had even noticed he’d had it done!
A Look at Jimmy Car’s Hairline
It’s easy to think that Jimmy Carr’s new hair appeared overnight, as that’s how it seemed! However, he had the bonus of the COVID lockdown to help him recover a few months out of the public eye before he could show off his new look.
Let’s go back in time to look at Jimmy Carr’s hairline before the transplant. In the early 2000s, when Jimmy Carr was still making a name for himself on Channel 4, Carr had a full head of hair with only a slight widow’s peak. At this point in time, a hair transplant wouldn’t make any sense – his locks looked great!
Moving forward to the early 2010s, you can see the hair at Jimmy Carr’s temple becoming much thinner. His hair started receding back more and more, which he clearly wasn’t happy about, as he later described himself as a “snooker playing vampire”! This makes sense in terms of Jimmy Carr’s age – by 2012, he had reached forty years, which is when many men have already experienced hair loss.
Just Before Surgery
Then, you have Jimmy Carr before his hair transplant. Right before his surgery in 2019, you can see the extent of Jimmy Carr’s receding hairline. While he was clearly touched up when hosting panel shows, he still had a noticeable amount of hair loss, along with some grey hairs.
Post Procedure
Finally, after getting his transplant during the COVID lockdown, Jimmy was able to debut his new hair in 2020. At 48 years old, he showed just how incredible and natural-looking the FUE technique is. It didn’t look overdone or too thick – instead, his hair looked naturally full all over.
Jimmy Carr Before and After the Hair Transplant: Side by Side
As you can see, Jimmy’s hair dramatically improved after he decided to get the FUE hair transplant. His widow’s peak is no longer visible – instead, he has a full head of dark, thick hair that always looks great on TV.
Hair transplants have become more and more natural over the years, with the FUE technique being popular for just this reason. By opting for this transplant, Jimmy Carr didn’t have an extremely long and tedious recovery time – in fact, he was able to show off his great results before long. As a TV host, he didn’t exactly have time to waste!
How Much Did Jimmy Carr Pay for the FUE Transplant?
It’s almost impossible to say how much Jimmy Carr’s hair transplant costs, as each procedure costs a different amount depending on the patient. The price is decided upon depending on how many grafts a person needs. The more hair loss you have, the more it will cost. We will never know how much he paid for the procedure without hearing it from Jimmy Carr’s mouth.
What Other Procedures Has Jimmy Carr Had?
When you look at older photos of Jimmy Carr and compare them to now, it’s easy to see that he’s had a little bit of work done. That’s not to say he doesn’t look natural – in fact, it’s hard to notice until you see a side-by-side picture.
It’s known that Jimmy Carr has had work done to his teeth. When looking at photos of Jimmy Carr compared to now, many plastic surgeons have also estimated that Jimmy Carr has had Botox and fillers, skin tightening treatments, and laser treatment. Good for him!
What Other Celebrities Have Had a Hair Transplant?
It’s not just Jimmy Carr who decided to boost his looks with a head full of hair! The other celebs who have undergone this treatment include:
- Jude Law
- Gordon Ramsey
- .David Beckham
- .Matthew McConaughey
- .Elon Musk
- .Ben Affleck
As you can see, some of the biggest names in the world have chosen hair transplant surgery to restore their hair’s natural volume.
Is a Hair Transplant Right for You?
Just because a hair transplant looks great on a celeb doesn’t mean it’s necessarily right for you. A few factors go into making someone a good candidate for a hair transplant. Generally, you must be between the ages of 25 and 70 (with most surgeons advising you to wait until you are 30). It would help if you tried other hair restoration techniques, such as Minoxidil and Finasteride. On top of that, you should consider the cost. You’ll need to speak directly to a surgeon during a consultation to get an idea of how much the surgery will cost for you, as it differs from person to person.
It’s always a good idea to be realistic about results. Luckily, hair transplants have come a long way over the years, with the latest technologies allowing an extremely natural look – just take a look at our patients gallery!
Starting Your Hair Restoration Journey
Do you want a hair transplant, or are you simply considering the procedure? The first step to starting your hair restoration journey can begin today. Simply download our hair track app to track where your hair loss is at and even get in touch with top surgeons. Remember – while many high-profile celebs have enjoyed the results of a hair transplant, regular people can get them too, and yours might be more affordable than you’d expect.