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Hair Track: Our revolutionary hair tracking app

We have launched a new mobile app, “Hair Track”. Designed to help individuals track their hair loss and growth. Download the app today.

At a time when people are spending a lot of time thinking about ‘new year new you goals’ we surveyed 2,000 people from the UK (with an exact 50/50 split on gender) to explore their main concerns when it comes to hair and how it can affect their everyday life.

Most shockingly, one of our findings was that the average person skips 4 days of work a year, due to not being happy with their hair. This is almost one full work week. In extreme cases, 8% of respondents have skipped on average 7 days of work a year due to not being happy with their hair.

Does hair make a difference when finding a partner?

When it comes to finding a partner a quarter of our respondents said that hair does make a difference. 25% agreed that a good head of hair can make someone seem more attractive.

Our respondents revelled their priorities when looking for a partner, with 1 in 6 admitting they look for a good head of hair, and 1 in 5 respondents looking for a taller partner.

However, hair isn’t everything – 19% of respondents said if a man has no head hair he would need to be funny and charming to make up for it. 11% said a partner would need to be emotionally stable to make up for it, and 9% said if a man has no head hair he would need to have money to make up for it.

Does our attitude towards hair change as we age?

Some people believe that as we age we start to care less about how we look and focus on other aspects of life, however, the survey proves that judgments barely changes as we age, seeing as older respondents also placed great importance on hair:

  • Over a quarter of respondents aged 25-34 (27%) said they have judged someone negatively because of their hair numerous times. 1 in 5 respondents aged 55+ (16%) agreed.
  • Over a third of respondents aged 16-34 (36%) agree that a good head of hair can make someone more attractive. 1 in 5 respondents aged 45-54 (20%) said the same.

Is the New Year time to change your hair?

When the new year comes most people will start making resolutions and also thinking about the whole ‘new year new me’ idea with 1 in 7 respondents admitting they are concerned about losing their hair and 1 in 9 respondents wishing they could grow their hair in the New Year, we believe that the New Year is a good time to change something you’re not happy with. You can take a look at some of our hair loss case studies here, where you’ll see a lot of our patent stories explaining how having a new head of hair completely changed their lives in more ways than one.

One of our goals at the Harley Street Hair Clinic is to change attitudes around hair transplants. We encourage others to invest in themselves so they can look and feel their best. The results of this survey show that hair plays an important role in self-confidence. We’re here to help those who are ready for change.

If you’re considering changing your hair in the New Year, please contact us for a no-obligation consultation where we can discuss our range of hair restoration treatments.

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