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Calum Best hair transplant

It’s not uncommon for men to experience some form of hair loss in their lifetime, and, for some, it can happen as early as their twenties. That was the case for Calum Best, whose early male pattern baldness led him to a hair transplantation clinic – not just once, but six times!

The good news is that Calum Best’s multiple hair restoration procedures have done wonders for both his looks and his confidence. In this article, find out everything you need to know about Calum Best’s hair journey, from the moment he discovered hair loss up until today when he can finally enjoy a full head of hair once more.

Who is Calum Best?

Calum Best is the son of former Manchester United football legend George Best, and model Angie West. He’s had a successful career in film and television, starring in the likes of Retribution, Enter the Cage, and Dangerous Game. He’s also appeared in several reality shows over the years, cementing himself as a TV staple. Some of these include Celebrity Big Brother, Celebs Go Dating, Famously Single, and Celebrity Love Island – the latter of which he won alongside Bianca Gascoigne. He was also a model in his earlier years, so work has been a big part of his life, and there is little he has not done professionally over the last 20 years.

Being so in the spotlight throughout his career, it makes sense that Best has paid attention to his looks, especially when those looks started to change.

Calum Best hair 2009

What Caused Calum Best’s Hair Loss?

Calum Best began experiencing hair loss when he was in his early twenties. While most men don’t notice hair loss until their thirties, forties, and fifties, early androgenetic alopecia isn’t too uncommon, with around 25% of men experiencing hair loss by the time they reach age 21. [1]

Calum Best was like many other men – he began experiencing androgenetic alopecia (male matter baldness) as a young man, and by the time he was around 28, it was quite extensive.

Male pattern baldness tends to slowly worsen over time, with men commonly going through various stages of the Norwood Scale, starting at stage 1, which indicates minimal hair loss, and all the way up to stage 7, which shows significant balding all over the scalp.

The norwood scale

Calum Best Hair Transplant: His Experience

Calum Best did not want to live with hair loss, so he made the decision to undergo several hair transplants.

He first started losing his hair in his early 20s. Following this, he underwent his first hair transplantation surgery in 2012, which included a FUE hair transplant using 1850 hairs taken from the back and sides of his scalp. He had this done at the Crown Clinic by Dr Asim Shahmalak.

That was not the end of his journey, though, as Best continued to get several hair transplants to achieve his desired look. This decision wasn’t because any of the hair transplants didn’t work, though – quite the opposite. He stated:

“I had my sixth hair transplant because I have a very aggressive hair-loss gene, and while all the transplanted hair I’ve been given has stayed permanent, I have continued to lose more of my natural hair.” [2]

It is clear that the hair transplants gave Best the results he was looking for, but his natural progression of hair loss meant he needed more procedures to achieve his full head of hair.

During his sixth hair loss treatment, Calum Best opted for a beard hair transplant. It’s very similar to the traditional hair transplant, only it uses hair specifically from the beard, which is much denser than scalp hair. He did this because he was short of donor hair. Speaking about this specific transplant, Best said,

“The beauty of using beard hair for a transplant on the scalp is that the hair in your beard is thicker than head hair so you need less of it to increase density.” [2]

He also went on to praise his surgeon, Dr Shahmalak, specifically for his work in new hair transplantation techniques.

Was Calum Best’s Hair Transplant a Success?

Yes! It may seem like it wasn’t due to the fact he has had six in total, but that only indicates he was happy with the results and wanted to continue. He began his hair restoration journey before his hair loss had reached its peak, which meant his natural hair (not the transplanted hair) kept on falling out. He was unfortunately one of many men suffering from extensive hair loss, and he was conscious of donor hair on his scalp not cutting it. Thankfully, his hair transplant surgeon was able to put that right, and he looks as great as ever for it.

What Type of Hair Transplant Did Calum Best Receive?

Calum Best opted for the follicular unit extraction FUE method, which stands for follicular unit extraction. This is a popular hair transplantation method, which was invested in 2002, [3] and since then has become a staple method for regrowing the hair.

FUE hair transplant method

The FUE method is a minimally invasive hair transplant surgery that involves the hair transplant surgeon grafting individual hairs from the scalp (or, in rarer cases, the beard). This process requires the surgeon to shave the part of the hair where the extraction takes place so they can carefully remove the follicles. They use a micro punch tool to harvest these grafts, and then transplant them to the donor area. This is where they will take root and begin growing brand-new hairs in a place that was otherwise experiencing hair loss – usually the temples or crown of the scalp.

Following a FUE hair transplant, most patients will need to spend a week or two recovering at home. Results can be noticed within months, but it can take six to twelve months for full results to show through, but when they do it can last for decades and put a smile on your face.

How to Avoid Needing Multiple Hair Transplants

The Calum Best hair transplant didn’t end after one – he ended up needing several. While this worked fine for him, most people do not like the idea of receiving six hair transplants, as it can take up a lot of time and be costly. So, here’s what you can do to minimise needing more than one:

Choose the Best Clinic

The best thing you can do to ensure you won’t need several hair transplants is to choose the best clinic you can. You need to find a hair transplant specialist who can tailor their expertise to your specific scalp. If you want to get in touch with the best surgeons in the business, do so here at our hair track app. Over time, the results can be continued to improve your mental health and put a smile on your face.

Follow Prepping Instructions

For a hair transplant to work as best it can, you must follow prepping instructions. Your surgeon will give you instructions before the day of the surgery, and it will likely include things like not drinking alcohol a week prior and washing your hair the same day but not using any styling products.

Follow Aftercare Instructions

Of course, you must also follow aftercare instructions. Common ones include avoiding strenuous physical activity, keeping your head out of the sunlight, and staying hydrated.

Don’t Get One Too Young

Most clinics don’t want to perform hair transplants on very young patients unless absolutely necessary. Getting a hair transplant at 18 may be legal, but it probably is not a good idea, and that’s because the hair loss will not have yet stabilised. It’s best to wait until the hair loss has stabilised somewhat, with most men not getting a hair transplant until they are at least in their 30s.

Consider Other Methods

Hair transplants are a great method for restoring hair, but they do have side effects, so consider other options first. Hair loss medications can work well, and you can use some medications to improve your mental health and put a smile on your face.

What to Consider Before Getting a FUE Hair Transplant

Are you interested in following in the footsteps of Calum Best and so many other celebrities? Great! Hair transplant surgery is a minimally invasive procedure that can restore confidence and looks. However, there are some things to think about first.

Your Age: It’s important not to get a hair transplant too young. Most successful hair transplants are delivered to people between the ages of 25 and 40, although there is some variation for this.

The Cause of Your Hair Loss: Some causes of hair loss mean that a hair transplant isn’t a good option. Generally, hair transplants are best for those experiencing androgenetic alopecia.

Your Budget: Hair transplants can be costly. You might find that you can get a cheaper hair transplant in a different country from your own, but you need to think carefully about this. Having a bigger budget for a safer, more effective surgery is always better than the cheapest option.

Remember that other solutions, such as hair loss medications, may be cheaper. You can find the right brand and put a smile on your face – for example, minoxidil is best known under its brand name Rogaine.

Side Effects: Always be knowledgeable about the potential side effects of any surgery you are getting. A good surgeon will make these known to you.

Calum Best Hair Transplant: Final Thoughts

Hopefully, you now know all you need to know concerning Calum Best hair transplant and Calum Best hair plugs. The TV personality opted for several FUE hair transplants to achieve his desired look, and while it took him a total of six, he was able to enjoy a full head of hair once more after experiencing hair loss in his twenties. He was not the only one; there are many celebrity hair transplants out there!

Do you like the look of Calum Best’s hair nowadays? If you want to join the likes of him and many others, get in touch with our team today, or head to our patients gallery to see what we can do for you.



  1. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/24515-male-pattern-baldness-androgenic-alopecia
  2. https://www.standard.co.uk/showbiz/calum-best-hair-transplant-beard-graft-harley-street-dr-asim-shahmalak-b1075143.html
  3. https://ijdvl.com/history-of-follicular-unit-excision/
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