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Hair Track: Our revolutionary hair tracking app

We have launched a new mobile app, “Hair Track”. Designed to help individuals track their hair loss and growth. Download the app today.

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There are many reasons that a person may experience hair loss, this can range from genetic inheritance to illness. One solution is a specialist technique that transplants individual follicles. Follicular Transfer Treatments extract follicles from a donor area at the back or sides of the scalp and transplant them in the area that is experiencing hair loss, usually at the crown or along a receding hair line.

Compared to other procedures, FUE Hair Transplants are less invasive and have improved healing time as well as greater rate of success. The best candidates for the procedure are those who have health hair and follicles in the donor regions, but the procedure needs to be discussed with a hair transplant consultant. This is because the texture and colour of the hair can affect the final result.

Hair transplants have the potential to boost confidence through cosmetic enhancement; as such Follicular Hair Transplant Techniques have become a popular option for many people. There are other alternatives however, and these will be considered during a consultation session with a hair transplant surgeon.

FUE Hair Transplant Experts


The FUE Hair Transplant Technique is the least invasive form of hair replacement surgery and improves upon the now redundant strip method. FUE Follicular Unit Extraction is an extremely efficient form of Hair Replacement as none of the hairs that are extracted are wasted and the patient benefits from a less invasive method of surgery.

At The Harley Street Hair Clinic we boast a wealth of expertise in offering FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) Hair Transplant surgery to all our hair transplant patients. This latest and greatest method of Follicular Extraction is exclusively what we perform for all our hair transplant patients. With the FUE technique our surgeons are able to extract follicles individually from a donor area and transfer them to balding areas of the scalp, achieving impressive natural looking results.

We are proud of our expertise and over the years have treated thousands of happy patients, including international VIPs. Closer to home we were trusted with all of the high profile Hair Transplant treatments of Wayne Rooney.

Is FUE Hair Transplant a suitable treatment for me ?

Each case of Hair loss is unique to the individual and we recommend a confidential personal consultation to help you explore the options possible by modern medical advancements in Hair Restoration and FUE Hair Transplant surgery.

To arrange a consultation or gain further advice, please fill one of our online consultation forms, or alternatively feel free to call us at +44 800 007 6010 anytime for an world-class FUE technique permanent solution to your Hair loss.

We look forward to meeting you.

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