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Hair Track: Our revolutionary hair tracking app

We have launched a new mobile app, “Hair Track”. Designed to help individuals track their hair loss and growth. Download the app today.

HSHC Office

Advanced Trico Pigmentation (ATP) is a revolutionary treatment offered at The Harley Street Hair Clinic, alongside hair transplants. ATP works to help the appearance of fuller hair and this can be used on the scalp and the eyebrows.

The treatment is similar to the popular scalp micro pigmentation (SMP) procedure, however, it is more advanced to ensure patients receive excellent and realistic results.

How Does ATP Work?

Advanced Trico Pigmentation works in a similar way to a tattoo. Natural pigments are applied to either the scalp or the brow area and replicate the appearance of natural hair follicles. You can opt for either semi permanent or permanent, depending on your preference.

Pigment is placed on the brow area to replicate natural hairs. This increases the appearance of density and can also be used help disguise any gaps you could have due to scaring.

Before The Procedure

Before my procedure I had a consultation with Liana, my technician. We discussed what I wanted the treatment to achieve and what shape I wanted my eyebrows. My main concern was a scar that I had through my left eyebrow, as this created a large gap that I had grown very conscious of.

Liana then spoke to me about what eyebrow shapes would flatter my face, once we had agreed on the shape, colour and density that I wanted to achieve pigment was applied to my brows initially to map out the shape my eyebrows would be.

Doing this allowed me to take a look at the shape and let Liana know if I wanted anything changed before we began with the treatment.

The Treatment

Throughout the treatment a numbing cream is applied to the brow area to minimise any pain felt during the treatment. This made the treatment almost pain free and comfortable. The pigment was then applied with a small tattoo machine.

Each hair stroke was tattooed individually as this results in the most realistic and natural look. Over the next hour and a half Liana built up the fullness of my brows using this technique and concentrated on the area around my scar as this would need the most pigment.

Once we were near the end of my treatment I was asked to sit up so that Liana could asses my eyebrows, where she carefully looked to check both eyebrows were even in shape, size and colour. This was done around 4-5 times until Liana was happy with my results.

I was then handed a mirror to check I was happy. I was more than happy my initial results were amazing. My eyebrows looked full, my scar was almost unnoticeable and most importantly they looked natural.

After The Treatment

Once you’ve had your eyebrows done they can initially look a little dark but this will fade. After around one-two months the pigment will fade by roughly 30% and your eyebrows will look very natural.

If you have any questions regarding ATP please feel free to contact us and book a no obligation consultation.

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